
Technical Writing

TechPubs LLC specializes in the preparation and publication of technical manuals, translation, training programs and multimedia for high-tech and low-tech corporations. The company uses ISO 9000 as its working standard.


Our staff has experience producing Setup and Installation Instructions, Maintenance & Service Guides, Overhaul Manuals, Illustrated Parts Breakdowns, Disaster / Emergency Preparedness Manuals, Context-Sensitive Help (online/embedded), training material, Health, Safety & Environmental Manuals (HSE), and total documentation program management. We can deliver your products in print, digital format, CD-ROM or web formats.


Our professional services include technical writing, illustration, drafting, graphic design (including animation and simulation), editorial and quality assurance, and localization (translation) program management for today's global, high- technology businesses in the aviation, IT, energy and medical fields. Our technical writers and translators are engineers or technicians in the relevant subject.


TechPubs management has over 30 years of experience with high tech and government projects. During that time, we have produced over 500,000 new pages.


Technical Writing

The technical writing project starts from scratch by a visit of our technical writing team at the customer's plant. We collect data from interviews with the customer's engineers, engineering reports, and drafts. We then prepare an outline in conjunction with the customer's or end-user's specifications. After that, the project is ready for the next succession of steps: preparation of the first draft, drawings, photos and figures, quality assurance, delivery of the first draft to the customer for his feedback, and implementation of the customer's remarks. After the last updates and changes - if any - are made, the final product is ready for delivery as hard copy or as digital media

Technical writing products:


Operator's manual, flight manual, user manual


Maintenance manuals from first echelon to depot level


Illustrated Parts Breakdown (IPB)


Health, Safety & Environmental manuals


Context-Sensitive Help (online/embedded)


Updating and revising existing technical literature


The tools our writers use include:


  • Microsoft Word


  • Microsoft PowerPoint


  • Microsoft Excel


  • AutoCad


  • Visio


  • Adobe FrameMaker


  • Adobe PageMaker


  • Photoshop


  • Other

Our technical writers have:


  • Creativity - an eye for effective design and layout


  • Hands-on experience with technology


  • Excellent project and time-management skills


  • An organized and methodical approach


  • Ability to be objective - 'think like the end user'


  • Familiarity with industry-standard authoring software


  • Ability to provide ongoing support and evaluation


  • ... and of course, impeccable spelling and grammar!


  • Experience in design, formatting, and layout


  • A clear writing style that your least-technical customers will understand


  • An understanding of how to organize the information effectively


  • Ability to look at the product objectively, through the eyes of the average (and possibly non-technical) customer


The TechPubs training department team gets its information from the technical writing department - if we have, in fact, prepared the technical writing product. The training team can also get its information from the customer: visits to the customer's plant; interviews with the customer's engineers; reading existing manuals, drafts, engineering data; viewing drawings. Our teams write the following products.

Training Programs & Multimedia:




Instructor's manual


Trainee's manual


Wall charts and transparencies


Low-cost simulator


Video presentations


Interactive Training on CD-ROM or Online Training


TechPubs has the capability and vast experience of translating to and from English to most other languages. We translate for the end-user's specific needs, e.g., localization, terms, and culture. Click here for the translation page.





technical writing